Amy C. Taylor Foundation Raffle April 2021

2021 Coast to Coast Raffle Winners

Thank you to all our gracious donors for a successful fundraising event! All proceeds will be awarded through scholarship opportunities to exemplary, qualified women pursuing an advertising future.*

* Cassie D - GA * Erin K - OH * Stephanie C - OH * Tom B - OH * Anna M - OH * LaShae T - OH * Tim C - OH * Amy F - OH * Casey C - TN * Phil K - MD * Diane T - OH * Shelby D - OH * Dave D - MD * Ariel E. MD * April P - MO * Amber B - OH * Amy G - IN * Barbara P - OH * Jesus G - OH * Ebony I - FL * Phillip K - MD * Vickie M - OH * Juanita K - MD * Latisha W - OH * Kelli J - CA * Sharon H - OH * Meg Z - TN * Miranda H - TN * Tami D - NV * Anonymous - donating prize to May 1st *

Our 2021 raffle tickets are here! THIRTY chances to win!

The winner each day is determined by the Ohio lottery evening drawing, straight number only. Click on the donation button to purchase one raffle ticket for $30 or two raffle tickets for $50. An e-mail will be sent confirming your donation followed by a separate e-mail confirming your raffle ticket number. Prizes mailed on Wednesday.